Saturday, March 22, 2014

Celebrate This Week 3.22.14

It's always good to end the week on a positive note.  Sometimes we concentrate on the negatives.  We have a choice.  Choose positive.  Choose to celebrate.  I will be joining Ruth Ayres and her weekly link-up, Celebrate This Week.  Check out all the other celebrations HERE

One of the best days of the year.  The day Spring Break starts!  I'm not going anywhere this Spring Break.  My husband says no... something about us just having gone on a cruise. And while I'm grateful for that, I'm not super grateful about our weather.  We're having weather that we've had over past Winter Breaks.  But I'm going to try and be grateful.  So, for that reason, I'm going to celebrate being able to be grateful for:

#1 I'm grateful that stores have spring clothes out, so even though I will freeze when I wear them, I'm going to pretend it's really spring time!

#2 I'm grateful that it is Spring Break!  Both teachers and students are ready for a little break, time to get recharged for those last few months!

#3 I'm grateful for comments like these, "Mrs. Knott, I just put the second and third Sasquatch book on my TBR list." and "I'll borrow that one {next Lunch Lady} after Spring Break, I have a lot of books already set for vacation." and from a colleague "I had to start a TBO list." me:  "What's that."  colleague "To Be Ordered".  

#4 I'm grateful that I can post a question on Twitter, and within an hour, I have 50 books checked out on my library card due to the answers.

#5 I'm grateful that I think my parents are going to watch my daughter so my husband and I can sneak out and see a movie.  Yea!

May spring find a way into your life, even if it's only in the clothes!


  1. I love the idea of the TBO list-my list on Amazon is very long, although I keep it there in order to know what to get from the library! I put out a tweet this week too, needed some help with a certain kind of book-amazing response! Happy spring break-ours starts in a week. I saw a few with flip flops this week! Almost there!

    1. I use Amazon as a TBO list too. Sometimes it takes so long for the library to get the books in, I end up ordering the books.... so it's an expensive TBO list :)

  2. Enjoy Spring break and almost springtime. Twitter..what did I do before it?

    1. Thank you! Yes, Twitter has been so helpful... and addictive!

  3. Isn't it great that the twitter community has so many books to recommend? Enjoy your new spring wardrobe - try to stay warm! My wardrobe this spring seems to concentrate on gardening work wear. Not very glamorous but helps me stay productive!

    1. I saw the pictures of your garden! I'm so jealous you already have green! A lot of our yard still has the snow/ice mix on it :(

  4. My break is over though we did have a few days of 60 degree weather! I like that TBO list. I think that one is bigger than my TBR pile! Enjoy your break. I look forward to hearing about the books you will be reading!

    1. My part of the Chicago suburbs hasn't even broken 50 yet :( I think it's going to be a long spring! I'm hoping to attack my library pile this break. I have 50 books checked out :) Happy reading!

  5. SO glad I found you again!!! I def need some Twitter tutorials!!! Any advice?? :) Hope y'all are well!!!

    1. Hi Jess! Are you on Twitter? I use it for all professional development. It's been so helpful for that! Hope you're warmer than us, we're freezing up here!
