Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday - Indelible Ann book review - 7.07.21

It seems that I'm finding more and more picture book biographies about mighty women who have shaped our world, but until recently, it has been difficult to find their names mentioned in other books.  I have another mighty woman who I am thrilled to be sharing with you today!

Indelible Ann:  The Larger-Than-Life Story of Governor Ann Richards
written by Meghan P. Browne
illustrated by Carlynn Whitt
published by Random House Studio

Just one look at the cover and you know you are looking at the profile of a women who did remarkable things!  But it wasn't done in a day.  Like the repeated phrase from the book...

...JUST WAIT, you'll see.

First off, let's start with the title of the book... indelible.  What does that mean?  From Oxford, it tells us "not able to be forgotten or removed".  From the title alone, we know Ann Richards is someone who should not be forgotten.  But what did she do, why should we remember her?  We can tell from the title she was a governor, but where?  While it doesn't tell us on the cover, the illustrator (Carlynn Whitt) leaves us some clues.  I see the Texas bluebonnet flower on the cover, a star pin on Governor Richards' blouse, and then we see Governor Richards profile taking up pretty much the entire cover.  If you know "everything is bigger in Texas", than you can probably guess where Governor Richards is from!  The great state of Texas!

courtesy Random House Children's Books

Yes, Dorothy Ann (she dropped the Dorothy when she wanted to reinvent herself) was born and raised in Texas, just outside of Waco, until she was in high school.  She moved to California and when she got there, she saw a whole new diverse world.  Dorothy Ann learned to speak up and be bold, and she brought that new enthusiasm back with her to Texas to finish out her high school year.  Ann got involved in many things as she continued her schooling, and even after marrying and having a large family, she continued to speak out on the causes she believed in.  As her political career began to grow, Ann continued to bring in a wide representation of people to work with and have more women on her staff.  She pushed for the rights of all people and went all over the great state of Texas to make sure she heard everyone.  After a successful four years as governor of Texas (she lost to future president George W. Bush), Ann continued to work in Texas politics.  What  a mighty woman!

courtesy Random House Children's Books

I love picture book biographies because they introduce us to some amazing people.  And while I think biographies are perfect for that, they can also be used for additional studies.  Educators can use this biography to:
  • talk about perseverance and determination.  Using the tagline "...just wait, you'll see", readers can look back at how Governor Ann Richards continued working for the causes she believed in, even when told no, even when asked to stop, she kept at it and continued to make things better.
  • discuss how change does not happen overnight.  Make a timeline of Governor Richards' accomplishments and note the years that certain things took.  What kind of things did she have to do to get change to happen?
  • talk about democracy and using your voice in your community.  How can students create change and participate in the democracy in their own communities?

More about the creators of this amazing book:

Meghan P. Browne was born and raised in Austin, Texas, and was five years old when Ann Richards was elected governor. She considers Governor Richards to be one of her most influential 

foremothers. Meghan earned a BA in political science from the University of Arizona and an MFA in writing for children and young adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in her 

beloved hometown with her husband and their three children, a dog, a barn cat, chickens, goats, and a thriving honeybee apiary. Learn more at 

Twitter: @meghanpbrowne 

Instagram: @meghanpbrowne

Carlynn Whitt grew up in the piney woods of East Texas and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. An award-winning illustrator, she attended the University of Texas at Austin and received a BFA in illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design. Carlynn loves to visit her home state as often as possible, where happiness is a sliced brisket combo plate and a good thunderstorm passing through. For more information about Carlynn and her work, visit


Instagram: @carlynnwhitt

Publisher social media:

Twitter: @randomhousekids

Facebook: @randomh*ousekids

Instagram: @randomhousekids

*Thank you to Barbara at Blue Slip Media for the review copy!*

Look for this picture book biography to add to your collection!  How will you share Ann's story?


  1. What a great story! I know a little bit about Ann Richards, but this sounds like a fascinating and fun way to learn more about her and her achievements as governor. The illustration style looks super-fun and very Texas-esque! Thanks so much for the great review!

  2. What a fun book! Although I'm not from Texas, I remember her time as governor and what a colorful character she was. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a fun book! I remember Ann Richards as governor (even though I'm not from TX). She was such a colorful character. Thanks so much for sharing this book.
