Tuesday, January 2, 2018

#mustreadin2018 list 1.02.18

I love making lists.  The order of them... being able to cross things off.  I feel so accomplished.  That's probably one of the things I love about #mustread.  I feel accomplished.  Even when I don't finish the list, I always have more crossed off than when I started.
This year I have 13 books on my #mustreadin2018 list.  It was supposed to be 12, but I had to get one more in.  I am determined to read all of the books on my list this year.  Usually I choose books because other readers have encouraged me to read it.  This year most of them are chosen off my shelves because I don't want to push these books off any longer.  I want to read them, yet other books just keep getting in their way.  But not for much longer!  I separated them out by month so I can be diligent about when I'm reading them.  That seemed to help the last few years, even if I give myself some room to fudge things!
Here is this year's list!

X by Ilyasah Shabazz and Kekla Magoon

March (Trilogy Slipcase Set)
The March trilogy by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Cress by Marissa Meyer

Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1)
Graceling by Kristin Cashore

The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia       Forge (Seeds of America, #2)
The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming
Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe, #1)
Scythe by Neal Shusterman

Bounders by Monica Tesler

Book Scavenger (Book Scavenger, #1)
Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman

Bud, Not Buddy
Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

How to Steal a Dog
How to Steal a Dog by Barbara O'Connor

When I Was the Greatest
When I Was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds

There you have it.  My #mustreadin2018 list!  What is interesting is how many of these books are the first in a series.  I wonder if I'll continue reading the other books or if they'll end up on a future #mustread list!

Happy 2018 reading!


  1. I may have placed too, too many on my list and love that you've chosen one for each month, Michele. Of these, some I still need to read too, like When I Was The Greatest, maybe someday? FYI - I loved the March trilogy & the Family Romanov. Thanks for sharing your ideas about these new lists!

  2. Scythe has shown up on every post I have opened! My oldest and I were looking at it last night. It's going to have to go on a list for this year. I've already veered! :) Thanks for sharing your list!

  3. I love your thinking here! You have some books that are absolute MUST reads When I was the Greatest and How to Steal a Dog are two of my all time favourites! Happy Reading!

  4. When I first skimmed through your list, I wondered if it would all be series and if that was a sneaky way to squeeze more than 13 titles onto the list! I'm crowdsourcing my list again this year--I never finish it, but I had so much fun choosing a title from each person's list last year. I'm borrowing March 3 from yours, the only one in the trilogy I haven't read yet. Been meaning to finish it but just didn't get to it in 2017. I love When I Was the Greatest so much. It was my favorite read-aloud with my son in 2017. We're reading Miles Morales right now--so grateful that Jason Reynolds keeps publishing books, because as long as he's publishing, I get to keep reading aloud!!

  5. A lot of these books are new to me so I'll have to check them out. Two of them, Book Scavenger and Bud, Not Buddy, are books I have never read, but probably should. Enjoy a new year of reading!

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. There are so many books I am slightly embarrassed I haven't read yet, but it's not for lack of interest-always too many books, too little time. I like the idea of setting a goal for each month. You will love so many of these. When I Was the Greatest and Bounders have been on my TBR too long. I'm going to get them back on my must reads. Happy New Year, friend!

  7. I have a couple of the same books on my list. Crooked Kingdom and Book Scavenger are ones I plan to read. I read the first in the March series in 2017 and should get to at least the second one this year.

  8. YAY!! So many favorites of mine on your list!
    I am so glad you are going to read March XOXOXO
    And Graceling!
    And Scythe!
    X, Forge, Bud Not Buddy, and When I Was are also fantastic!
