This summer I'll be sharing chapter books that are perfect for a range of readers.
Stop by every Thursday and find a round up of books you'll want to use with your readers!
Today we have some more Mighty Girls - this time they are Mighty Magical Girls! Whether it's super powers or magical wands or powers, these girls are setting the world on fire!

Mighty Meg and the Magical Ring
written by Sammy Griffin
illustrated by Micah Player
It's Meg's eighth birthday and she's ready for all of the festivities! The biggest surprise is her Aunt Nikki who has just come back from a dig in Sweden where they found an ancient Viking burial ground! And for Nikki's birthday, she brings back a ring. When Nikki puts it on she feels a jolt, like an electric shock go through her body. She all of a sudden feels a bit sick, but is all better the next morning. It's the next day when all of a sudden some strange things start happening - she has super power, super speed, heightened senses, and.... she can turn invisible! What will she do with these new superpowers?
This is the first book in the series! Hand this series off to mature 1st grade readers - 3rd grade readers.

Little Goddess Girls: Athena and the Magic Land
written by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
illustrated by Yuyi Chen
I remember reading many Goddess Girls series books with my daughter when she was younger. Now the girls are back but a little bit younger and a new twist on the series. In this first book we meet Athena and Medusa but both are just regular school girls, playing games on their tablet, but still in a bit of a rivalry! However a magical wind brings Athena to a Magic Land where she looks more like the Athena we know from the mythology stories. From there it's a mix of some familiar mythology and sprinkle in some Wizard of Oz moments, and you've got the new Goddess Girls. This first book does not have a conclusion with Athena returning to Earth, so looks like she has more adventures ahead of her in Magic Land!
Another book for mature 1st grade readers - 3rd grade.

Once Upon a Fairy Tale: The Magic Mirror
written by Anna Staniszewski
illustrated by Macky Pamintuan
Scholastic's Branches line has a new series out this fall! The Branches books are known for their engaging series, fun characters, and books that are perfect for readers who are looking for something longer but not as sophisticated as middle grade novels.
This series looks to be based off of familiar fairy tales but have a twist or two in them. In this first book we meet friends Kara and Zed. They embark on an adventure to find the Ice Princess and help her fix her magic mirror. Until that happens, all of the land is stuck in summer (which in controlled by the Ice Princess' sister...). Looks like some family magic needs to be fixed quickly!
This first book publishes Sept. 3rd and will follow with book 2 and 3 next year. Like the other Branches stories, I think this series will be a great fit for readers in 2nd-4th grades.

The Wish List: Halfway to Happily Ever After and Survival of the Sparkliest!
by Sarah Aronson
A couple of years ago after the first book in the series published, Sarah Aronson visited our school. She gave such a dynamic presentation, I rarely see these books on my shelves! I didn't even read this third book in the series until summer because I had to wait for it to be returned! I accidentally ordered two copies of book 4 - although readers were happy!
I love this series - it features wonderful girl power, celebrates the mighty, SMART girl, and believes in happily ever after!
In book three Isabelle is halfway through her training when that gets put on hold because of a strike between the bests and the worsts (godmothers and in-training). I love that the group known as the "Worsts" stand up for themselves and demand a change. They believe that no longer should groups be known as words that have negative meaning. I love that they believe in equality and finding the best in everyone! Sarah continues to add real-life issues into this magical world. These books really are special!
I'm looking forward to reading the fourth book, but also a bit sad since it's the last in the series. I can't wait to find some answers and my fingers are crossed that Isabelle will get her happily ever after!
Readers in 3rd-5th grade really love this series, but I've seen some very mature 1st and 2nd grade readers enjoy meeting Isabelle too!
All journeys have a starting place.
This is a weekly place to find books and tools
that you may use with readers
at the start of their independent reading journey.
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