Click on the #mustread tab on the right side of the screen and you'll see that I've been a part of this community for years. This is the first time I have completed my list, whoo hoo! Completing my list may have been the goal, but it was never the real reason to participate in this community. Being able to get to some of the books that have been gathering dust in my piles, books I know I'll enjoy but just haven't gotten to... I'm guessing we all have piles like that. We want to read the books, the problem is there is always more books!
A few years ago I changed how I selected the books on my list. Now I choose just one book each month. I try and make time once a month for these books. Sometimes I end up doubling up books in a month because some months are busier than others. But I love that I try and ensure that there are 12 books I read that I've been wanting to read that year.
2019 was the year to finish series. Every book was part of a series or a follow-up to another book. I did switch out a book on my list so I could finish up with a series that was a must read. I'm looking forward to creating my 2020 list. I cleaned out some shelves this summer and already started a pile!
Here's a recap of my 2019 reading.

by Laurie Halse Anderson
read 2.23.19
This was an amazing trilogy and I will always be amazed the way Anderson was able to research, document and write this series.

by Marissa Meyer
read 3.23.19
I always enjoy reading books that feature the perspective from another character. Especially the villains!

Revenge of the Teacher's Pets
written by Jennifer Ziegler
read 4.28.19
Love this series for young middle grade readers. Strong, fun girl characters!

The War I Finally Won
by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
read 6.06.19
This one didn't reach my heart quite like the first one but I enjoyed being back with Ada.

Most Valuable Players
by Phil Bildner
read 6.25.19
Sad to say goodbye to these characters. I enjoy sharing their stories with 4th grade readers every year!

Bounders: The Tundra Trials
by Monica Tesler
read 7.29.19
I read 3 books in this series for my mustread list. If you do anything for 2020, make sure the series is on your mustread list!

Bounders: the Forgotten Shrine
by Monica Tesler
read 8.16.19
I love this series. I will forever book talk it and share it with readers.

Stars So Sweet
by Tara Dairman
read 10.14.19
Took me awhile to get to this third book because the last few years this series has been in demand by readers! Glad to finally return to Gladys and her cooking world.

Bounders: The Heroes Return
by Monica Tesler
read 10.29.19
The journey these characters have been on has been exciting and I have enjoyed seeing the change over time!

Hide and Seek
by Kate Messner
read 12.02.19
It's been awhile since I read the first book in this series but it didn't take me too long to get caught up! Another fun adventure.

by Marissa Meyer
read 12.07.19
Wow. 800+ pages and it was a lot of action! I have one more book in this series, a novella full of stories from all of the characters.

by Kate Messner
read 12.28.19
A satisfying conclusion to this trilogy!
Glad to have completed these stories. Looking forward to the stories 2020 will bring! Stop by tomorrow and find out what was added to next year's mustread list!