While I like to focus on picture books, sometimes some longer nonfiction comes my way. Here are some recent titles:

History Smashers: The Titanic
written by Kate Messner
illustrated by Matt Aytch Taylor
The most recent title in Messner's historical accuracy series. There are so many myths that surround this doomed ship. But with the amount of times we've heard them over and over, most of us just assume everything is true. Like how it was touted as being "unsinkable". Or that the icebergs were a surprise to those on The Titanic. Myths are debunked and truths are upheld and attentions will be captured with this book! As with the other books in this series, graphic novel panels are scattered throughout the book to carry some of the storyline, as well as illustrations and some photographs.

What Breathes Through Its Butt? Mind Blowing Science Questions Answered
written by Dr. Emily Grossman
illustrated by Alice Bowsher
When you have a question like that as your title, it just automatically draws you in - no, I don't want to know the answer to that.... well, maybe I kind of do!
Dr. Grossman gives us the answers to 30 questions that you never knew you wanted answered, like "which of these might determine how much you sweat?" and this could be very helpful, "how do you block a tickle?" After each question she gives a multiple choice answer and then breaks down the science behind each wrong answer and the correct answer.
I do wish there had been backmatter and source notes included in the back of the book. I think it would be difficult to include source notes for every bit of information included (since all of the multiple choice answers are always fully explained), it does leave you wondering when an author does not include source notes.
I like that this is a book that you can look in the table of contents to find the questions you really want answered or you can read it from cover to cover. No doubt, there will be many intriguing answers for all readers to discover!

Bionic Beasts: Saving Animal Lives with Artificial Flippers, Legs, and Beaks
written by Jolene Gutiérrez Gutieeeee
Living in the wild is tough for an animal and injuries occur that are life threatening. Thankfully there are places and people who want to rehabilitate these animals. Perhaps they won't be able to live in the wild again, but their lives are saved by some of creative thinking! This book explores some of the different ways technology and people have found ways to create prosthetics to help these animals live longer and more fulfilling lives.
I love that each of the stories end with an experiment or activity that gets readers thinking about solutions in new ways.
Thank you so much for including BIONIC BEASTS in your wonderful list, Michele! I'm honored!