I also have been noticing the trend in publishing of graphic novels for the younger crowd too. Lots of new graphic novels for readers have been published. Perfect for readers who are working on stamina and need a shorter read. Many of these books have more decodable words which means younger readers can start with graphic novels at a younger age!
So whenever I see a new graphic novel, I am much more likely to purchase it right now. Keeping readers reading!
Here are some newer titles you may want for the readers in your life! Let's start off with some fantastic sequels. If any of these series are new to you, make sure you find all of them, they are crowd favorites!

HiLo: Gina and the Big Secret
by Judd Winick
This is my absolute favorite graphic novel series. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The stories have so much heart, so much humor, so much fun, such good stories!
While it's hard to follow up my favorite (HiLo: Gina the Girl Who Broke the World) this one does a great job. Gina has recently discovered she has magic, HiLo is a real boy (or is he??) and together, the crew needs to right the Earth back to normal. Easy task for them, right? I love the twists and turns and surprises that happen along the way.
The hold list is already very long for this one! Make sure you have extra copies!

Katie the Catsitter: Best Friends for Never
written by Colleen AF Venable
drawn by Stephanie Yue
This is the second book in the series and I'm so happy to hear the creators are already working on more. Katie is such a fun character for middle grade readers because she is relatable and she gets to help a superhero! In this second book, Katie's best friend is back from summer camp and the usual growing pains of being apart for a summer, having made new friends, and trying to fall back into your regular friendship occurs. I like that the old friendship doesn't completely dissolve and we still see Katie grow as a character.
I already have a hold list for this one too!

Baloney and Friends: Dream Big!
by Greg Pizzoli
This early reader graphic novel chapter book is the third in the series, and like its two predecessors, I was cracking up as I read it. Featuring four friends with very different personalities and voices, you can read just one chapter from the book and capture readers' attention!

Besties Work It Out
written by Kayla Miller and Jeffrey Canino
illustrated by Kristina Luu
Technically, not a sequel, but it's set in the world of the "Click" graphic novels (with Olive - Click, Camp, Act, and Clash). This time we have BFFs Beth and Chanda who are both trying so hard to save up money for something special. When they are set up with the perfect job by Beth's older sister, surely nothing can go wrong? Beth and Chanda are about to get a perfect lesson in responsibility that neither were expecting.
This one will be a huge hit with readers who are already fans of the "Click" series. We'll get book 2 of the "Besties" series this fall.

Beak & Ally: Bedtime Jitters
by Norm Feuti
I really enjoyed the first book in this series. Beak (a bird) and Ally (an alligator) seem to be a weird match as far as friendships go, but in reality, alligators and birds have a symbiotic relationship.
In the second book, Beak is having trouble sleeping due to all the nighttime noises in the swamp. It's up to Ally to give Beak a little help. But it's when the two work together do they really feel the power of friendship!
The first book in the series just won a Geisel Honor Award, whoo hoo!
Now let's check out some new(er) stand-alone graphic novels!

Otto: A Palindrama
by Jon Agee
A graphic novel that is made up entirely of palindromes. At times, definitely silly and nonsensical, but many of them move the story along!
Otto is at home with his parents and dog, when he seems to fall into a scene that is inside his bowl of wontons. Otto moves from place to place in search of his dog. Along the way he meets many people who have things to say, forwards and backwards, of course!

The Odds
by Matt Stanton
Here comes a new series that will be a must have to own.
Quiet and shy Kip has just woken up to a variety of creatures in her room. Some have come from the comics her dad draws, others from her imagination, or own drawings. Some are from books or video games. No one is quite sure what their purpose is, but when Kip and her dad lock them up in the basement, they get loose and run. While Kip's dad is fine with them gone, Kip has taken a fancy to them and wants to find them. Can Kip find them and can they help her out with a problem of her own?
It's a quick read and the story ends in a satisfying way that gets you excited for future stories.

Housecat Trouble
by Mason Dickerson
This is a new series but I did not get this one. Buster the cat's owner has just gone away for a day and he's found their house full of weird, purple, blobby monsters. Good thing a spirit-sniffing cat has come by to help! With two new cat friends, Buster is able to conquer his scaredy-cat feelings and take back the house.

PAWS: Gabby Gets It Together
by Nathan Fairbairn
Illustrated/Colored by Michele Assarasakorn
No doubt this will be a series that is loved by readers. A realistic fiction series that is billed as being a "Babysitters Club" for dogs, fans of the BSC will flock to this one too. A group of friends from a multi-age classroom bond over their love of animals, especially since none of them can have a pet due to one reason or another. To help them be around animals without actually owning one, they come up with the idea of being dog walkers. Of course, nothing goes as planned and arguments happen. This is the first in the series. I'm sure it will be popular.
A big problem with the illustrating is the Asian character has half moon eyes when laughing and just black dots for eyes when showing extreme emotion. This stereotype needs to end. Now.
Publishes March 8th.

Huda F Are You?
by Huda Fahmy
A book about identity and fitting in. A memoir graphic novel from Fahmy, growing up as a Muslim. In this memoir, Huda and her family have just moved to Dearborn, Michigan, a place that has a large Muslim community and Huda and her sisters won't be the only women in hijabi. But even then she doesn't fit in because Huda still can't find, not only her group, but she needs to also figure out who she is... how does she identify? This young adult GN is perfect for upper middle grade readers and high school readers. Huda's humor will resonate with readers and the questions she asks herself are also some of the same questions many of us ask ourselves.

When Pigs Fly
by Rob Harrell
First appearing in his middle grade book Wink, Batpig now has his own graphic novel. It will be welcomed by fans of DogMan as it has goofy humor and lots of puns to make readers laugh out loud.
Gary the Pig was just an ordinary pig with regular friend-type problems, when his friend Brooklyn the Bat accidentally bit him on the nose, which of course gave him super powers! Gary wrestles with how to handle these powers, and until he figures out exactly how to use them, he keeps them a secret from everyone but Brook. Which is fine until his other BFF, Carl the Fish, finds out he's been keeping a secret from him! Can Batpig save the day and his friendships?
Definitely a series you'll want to have multiple copies of! Looking forward to the next book, coming this June!
Hope you found a new graphic novel or two for your readers. I know mine are gobbling these new ones up!
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