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Capstone Publishing has been publishing some great chapter book series! Last year we got the Yasmin series from them (and there are more on the way, yippee!) and this year we have two more series. Check them out!

My Furry Foster Family series
written by Debbi Michiko Florence
illustrated by Melanie Demmer
Titles in the series:
Apple and Annie, the Hamster Duo
Truman the Dog
Betty the Bearded Dragon
Buttons the Kitten
Readers will love meeting the Takano family, particularly eight-year-old Kaita. Kaita and her family are foster families for pets who are looking for their forever home. Along with their mini dachshund, Ollie, they keep pets at their home while Joss from Happy Tails Rescue actively finds a family who want to adopt the pets. Each book features a new animal, or animals, the Takano family is fostering. Woven into the story is information about the animals, including what they like to eat and how to take care of them. The ups and downs of fostering animals are explored in each story. At the end of the book are activities to do with the book, a glossary, and information about the real Kaita who also fosters animals.
I like that this series has been leveled with the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system, but it is not blatantly written on the cover. The back cover refers you to the Capstone website for information. After I visited the website, I learned that it is a level L. As a teacher, this makes me excited because it is often hard to find books around this level. For me, I know these books are going to be longer than a Frog and Toad book, the characters may learn a lesson, but there probably won't be a big change in them for readers to follow, the plot will be still be pretty straightforward without additional storylines, and the vocabulary will be familiar. This level is perfect for readers who are looking to jump into chapter books that are no longer episodic, but still have some supports. Coming in at under 65 pages, it's a great length for readers - encourages some reading stamina, but isn't very long.

Sadiq series
written by Siman Nuurali
illustrated by Anjan Sarkar
Titles in the series:
Sadiq and the Desert Star
Sadiq and the Fun Run
Sadiq and the Pet Problem
Sadiq and the Green Thumbs
Meet Sadiq, a Somali American, who is in the third grade. Sadiq and his friends enjoy creating clubs for all to join. Whether it's a club for looking at the stars and planets or a sports club, Sadiq always has fun, even if he is learning a lesson or two along the way. This realistic fiction series will introduce readers to Somali vocabulary and some traditions. All readers will enjoy meeting Sadiq and friends and going along on their adventures that will feel familiar to them.
I like that the beginning of each book has a pronunciation guide for some of the words and there is also a glossary at the end of the book. Also included at the end are additional activities that go along with the topic of that book.
This series, while coming in at less pages than the My Furry Foster Family series, is just a bit more sophisticated. The vocabulary is a little longer and there are often multiple problems that interconnect in the story. According to the Capstone website, this series is a level M.
I hope you check out both of these series. They make a great fit in 1st - 4th grade for many different readers. Happy chapter book reading!
Hooray for My Furry Foster Family!!!!