Welcome to the Chapter Book Summer Series! Each week I will feature a round up of chapter books that would be fun to use with readers. Some are stand alone books, many are series. I'll pass along my recommendations for what grade levels match up best with the books for independent reading and for read alouds. Keep stopping by every Thursdays for more ideas through the month of August!
A well loved series for newly independent readers is the Magic Tree House series. I find that series is one of the most recommended series for readers. Jack and Annie have been guiding readers through their chapter book series for decades! When I first started teaching second grade (yeah.... decades ago) it was one of my go to series. I loved the predictability of their adventures, even if they were going somewhere different each time. Readers became friends with Jack and Annie and couldn't wait to go on another adventure. And while interest in this series has ebbed and flowed over time, time travel is always a fun topic. Here are some more series to share with readers who enjoy MTH!

Ms. Frogbottom's Field Trips series
written by Nancy Krulik
illustrated by Harry Briggs
Krulik is a chapter book master! She knows her audience and the popularity of her series (Katie Kazoo, Princess Pulverizer, Science No Fair! to name a few!) with young audiences speaks for itself.
Now we get to meet Ms. Frogbottom. Part Ms. Frizzle, part Jack and Annie, this teacher really gives her students real-life experiences! She has a magic map that takes the students all over the world AND in different times in history! Of course nothing goes smoothly on their time travel, but it's always an adventure! Count on several things going wrong before they hitch a ride via the map back to their classroom. Each book is told in the voice of a different classmate, but the changing of the narrator isn't confusing because they are in each book so you quickly learn characteristics of each student.
The books are trim in size and the font is a bit on the larger size. Comes in at over 130 pages, but there are full page illustrations throughout the book. Very helpful to get visual ideas for each character.
for read aloud: grades 1-2
for independent reading: grades 2-3

The Wish Library series
written by Christine Evans
illustrated by Patrick Corrigan
I think this series is going to be enjoyed by young readers! No time travel in this series, but there is something magical about it!
Everyone knows there are so many ways to make a wish - upon a star, on an eyelash, blowing dandelion fuzz - but how often do those wishes come true? In the first book in the series, Raven is not having much luck. Her best friend has moved away and she was supposed to do all the talking in their upcoming Voices of History presentation. Raven is so nervous to speak in front of people and she can't stop thinking about it. Her nerves actually cost her from making a new friend. But when she comes upon a strange coin and a well in the forest, maybe this time Raven's wish may come true? She finds herself at the bottom of the well where she meets a Librarian and a Wishing Library. Raven receives a special no school wish and strict instructions on how to use it. Who would think a no school day would come in the form of a snow day... in July... when they live in California! But that's what happens and as readers know, that means there are going to be consequences.
There were a few weak transitions in the story, but I had the ARC so maybe they are cleaned up in the final copy. I definitely will be purchasing this series, although I do wish it came in paperback, as well as hard cover. The books are under 100 pages, so the hard covers are expensive to always justify. Although I'm sure libraries will appreciate the more durable cover, especially with the number of check-outs it will have! With an illustration on most pages, this series will visually support readers who are new to longer stories.
for read aloud: grades 1-2
for independent reading: grades 1-4
Some other series readers may enjoy along this theme that I've reviewed in the past:
Locker 37 series
by Aaron Starmer
Magic on the Map series
by Courtney Sheinmel
Like what you see here? Be sure to stop by every Thursday for more chapter book suggestions! If you want to see all of the posts in the series, click on "Chapter Book Summer Series 2021 under the "Labels" section, located on the right side of the blog. See you again next week!
I have such fond memories of reading the Magic Tree House books as a kid, so I love that you've created some more recommendations based on that series! All of these series look excellent—the Wish Library series sounds particularly intriguing and fun! Thanks so much for the great post!