After a week's vacation, it's back to posting some good books! I was able to read 2 young adult books that have been on my TBR list for sometime and get most of another novel read. I read a few picture books today to have a longer posting!
What are you reading? Can't wait to see what new reads are out there!
Picture Books

Cheese Belongs to You by Alexis Deacon
3/5 stars

The Noisy Paint Box by Barb Rosenstock
5/5 stars
My Goodreads summary: Great story of Kandinsky and how he transformed his art into abstract art. Great introduction to this artist, and the author did a great job choosing just the right words to bring the story to life and the illustrator's work just draws your eyes to the page. This book will leave young readers asking "why?"... why did he have to change his paintings? why did he hear sounds when he painted?
Informational Texts

America is Under Attack by Don Brown
5/5 stars
My Goodreads summary: Excellent book to give to children to understand the events of 9.11. The book explains the events well, and does not leave out some of the darkest moments. Young readers may need an adult to help guide and discuss with them as they read, while older readers will need less guidance. A hard book to read about a very important day in our history. Don Brown, as usual, does a great job including his notes, sources and quotes.

Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile by Gloria Houston
5/5 stars

Little Poems for Tiny Ears by Lin Oliver
5/5 stars
My Goodreads summary: Sweet poems for young children. I think you could also use the poems for young kids in the classroom - read a poem and have kids write about the memories it brings up!
Young Adult

eleanor & park by Rainbow Rowell
4/5 stars
My Goodreads summary: I really enjoyed this book. I know so many people loved it but there were parts that bugged me. It's the same reason I didn't love (and I know I'm the only one) TFioS. The parts that bugged me is when the teens start talking in this big philosophical way. I don't know many teens who do that. There weren't as many of those parts in this book, but they were there! Besides that, it was a good read! Rainbow Rowell does a fantastic job developing these characters and drawing the reader in.

Divergent by Veronica Roth
5/5 stars
My Goodreads summary: After all the hype and all the build up, I still really enjoyed this book. Sometimes when a book is built up so much, it ends up not being as good as you think it will be. I thought the author did a great job creating this society that was different from all the other dystopian society books out there. I'm anxious to read the other 2 but not as excited since I heard they are not as good. Starting with low expectations!
Currently Reading

Unstoppable by Tim Green
I'm really enjoying this book. Looking forward to Tim's visit to our district!

Burn by Julianna Baggott
I'm over 1/2 way done with this book. It took awhile to get back into the book, but it's drawing me back in finally!

Handbook for Dragon Slayers by Merrie Haskell
Our next Mother-Daughter book club book!
Eleanor and Park, Divergent, Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile are all favorites of mine.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading America is Under Attack. I still can't get excited about Divergent although I have heard so much about it. Happy Reading!
ReplyDeleteHi Michele, I read John Green's Looking for Alaska and was put off reading most of his novels. A lot of my reader-friends have been convincing me to give this one a try, but I really hesitate. Same thing with Eleanor and Park. I know that it is really me and where I am in my life right now (grumpy, jaded woman in her late 30s) - more than the narrative/the writing. I do understand that if the books have found me at an earlier age, I'm sure I would have enjoyed them too. I love Miss Dorothy and her Bookmobile. Will try to find Don Brown's book - I have featured most of his PBBs, which I truly enjoyed and loved.