Time to get ready for the weekend!
Kick up your feet and find a good place to read.
Sharing #booklove for your classroom or library.
Spotlighting a book or two because these books deserve the spotlight!
Spring is definitely in the air in the midwest. I live in the north suburbs of Chicago, closer to the Wisconsin border than to Chicago. Close enough to the lakefront to feel the effects of the cool wind coming off the lake. We've seen lots of wet, rainy days. We've had warm days, and days that are reminiscent of a December morning - and with Chicago's infamous temperature drops, some of those temps have happened on the same day! Yet, the grass is green. There are buds on all of the trees. My pear tree is in full bloom. The petals on the magnolia tree are starting to open. I see tulips and daffodils growing and growing. Yes, spring is here. Here's a roundup of newly published spring books that would be perfect to use right now!

Hello Spring!
by Shelley Rotner
published by Holiday House
A lyrical ode to spring, Rotner's beautiful words and gorgeous photographs highlights the changes that happen in spring out in nature.

Wake Up!
by Helen Frost
photographs by Rick Lieder
I love the books this pair has put out - the simple poetry that packs a punch by Helen Frost and the close glimpses of nature by Rick Lieder are books that always warrant multiple reads. Spotlighting the young animals, insects, birds that often make springtime appearances makes this book a perfect one to add to your spring roundup!

by Sam Usher
Something that is not missing in this midwest Spring is rain! It's funny how adults look at things one way, yet kids think another way. Such is the young boy in this book - the abundant rain is an excuse to go on a journey, have adventures, and find fun! Might be a fun read on a rainy day!

Fantastic Flowers
by Susan Stockdale
Have you ever played the game of lying on your back, looking at the clouds, and deciding what they look like? This book is like the same thing except its flowers - these flowers look like dancing ballerinas, parrots, and baboons! I love that the author included photographs of the actual flower in the back.

Pedal Power
by Allan Drummond
April seems to be a month where we try to become more conscientious of protecting Mother Earth. If you're doing anything with conservation, awareness, being a change maker, you'll probably want to include many of Allan Drummond's books. His newest book takes on using bikes as a form of transportation.

Mighty Truck: Muddymania!
written by Chris Barton
illustrated by Troy Cummings
Rarely does a spring go by that doesn't see its fair share of mud! Celebrate that mud with the next "Mighty Truck" book! Mighty Truck is back and this time everyone is getting dirty.
Do you have a new, favorite spring book? How about one of your favorites? List titles in the comments and share! Happy Spring!
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