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Coding has become the next big tech wave that has taken interest with our students. From coding clubs to after school fun with different kinds of robots to celebrating coding during the school year, most students have been exposed to this new way of writing and reading. If you're looking for a coding ladder of books, I'd try these series:

How to Code a Sandcastle
written by Josh Funk
illustrated by Sara Palacios
Written by an author who has just a little background in coding, this book is a really fun way to introduce young readers to some coding language. Kids who already have some background, enjoy guessing what Pearl and her robot, Pascal, need to make sandcastle building a little easier!
I am excited to see this book will be part of a series!

girls who code series:
The Friendship Code
Team BFF: Race to the Finish!
Lights, Music, Code!
Spotlight on Coding Club (publishes Oct. 2)
written by Stacia Deutsch
This transitional chapter book series is about friendship, working together, and... coding, of course! Each book integrates coding language and properties into the stories so readers learn a little bit while they read a fun story!

Secret Coders series
by Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes
Kids love this graphic novel series! I have found that it is helpful having some coding background before starting this series, but it does walk you through it. The visual parts of this book really help some coding sequences make sense. This time there is action, adventure and a mystery - with some cliffhangers, of course - to add in with the coding fun.
No matter where your readers are at, there is a coding book for them! Happy computing :)
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