Wednesdays I join Alyson Beecher from kidlitfrenzy and other
#kidlit bloggers to share wonderful nonfiction picture books.
The intention of today's blog post is to give professionals that work in the
education field new nonfiction reading material and ideas to use
education field new nonfiction reading material and ideas to use
with students to promote a love of reading nonfiction materials.
Oh my, my nonfiction stacks have gotten OUT OF CONTROL! I really need to read and post. I'm hoping to have a month worth of new(er) nonfiction to share with you in the upcoming weeks. Be sure to check back on Wednesdays, here's what's coming:
1. books for little foodies!
2. picture book biographies featuring men
3. picture book biographies featuring women, part 1
4. picture book biographies featuring women, part 2
5. celebrating baseball - Yogi Berra blog tour
6. animal nonfiction books, part 1
7. animal nonfiction books, part 2
8. the world around us, part 1
9. the world around us, part 2
What I love about picture book biographies is that so many of them introduce me to people I have never heard of before. Today I have some amazing stories to share with you about women who have done it all!

Out of This World: The Surreal Art of Leonora Carrington
written by Michelle Markel
illustrated by Amanda Hall
I actually had not heard of the artist before this book. Since then I have spent a lot of time on Google looking at some of her amazing work. Carrington was a surrealist artist back when the art movement was beginning and back when it was not acceptable for a woman to be an artist. This determined young woman continued to move towards her dream, even when it would have been easier to give up.
You'll want this book:
1. to show readers that when you have pure determination, you can accomplish dreams
2. to show hard work makes a difference
3. perfect for talking about passion projects - what is something you feel passionately about?

A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks
written by Alice Faye Duncan
illustrated by Xia Gordon
Alice Faye Duncan has crafted a beautiful love letter in verse to the twenty-ninth poet laureate of the United States, Ms. Gwendolyn Brooks. Lauded for her poetry and truths of the black community in Chicago's South Side neighborhood, Ms. Brooks' words live on in her collection of poetry. Duncan has lovingly crafted chapters of Brooks' life that is perfect to share with readers.
You'll want this book:
1. read before sharing some of Brooks' poetry - show the writer behind the craft!
2. mentor text - look how Duncan crafts this book - repeated phrases, small vignettes, free verse writing

Gloria Takes a Stand: How Gloria Steinem Listened, Wrote, and Changed the World
written by Jessica M. Rinker
illustrated by Daria Peoples-Riley
Gloria Steinem is someone who I've learned a little about, but someone I should know a lot about! Her message of listening and deciding what you believe in is a powerful one that needs to be heard today. I really liked reading more about her and how she delivered this message to all women.
You'll want this book:
1. talk about voice and ways your message can be heard
2. talk about the importance of listening. Her quote to discuss, "If you want people to listen to you, you have to listen to them."
3. this book would be perfect to use when getting ready for opinion writing!

Sisters: Venus and Serena Williams
by Jeanette Winter
The past year has seen the arrival of three picture book biographies about the Williams sisters. Each one is unique and brings its own set of information. It's interesting to compare the three - looking at mood, tone, what information is shared, what is left out.
Out of the three, I feel like this one feels the most personal. Written in a very narrative style, without actual quotes from the sisters, it seems to tell the story instead of facts. However, I feel at the same time, that also allows readers to question what information was left out, how did the author decide what information to put in the story. There is a long list of books in the biography section in the endpages, but at least in the advanced copy, there is not any additional backmatter.
publishes April 2nd
You'll want this book:
1. So many picture book biographies are about people that young readers may not have ever heard about, so having some books about known people is important to have. With this being the third book about the sisters in a year, it's nice to have them to compare.
2. perfect when talking about rising above expectations and how hard work and determination make an impact.

I am Billie Jean King
written by Brad Meltzer
illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos
Part of the "Ordinary People Change the World" series, Meltzer focuses this time on star tennis player, Billie Jean King. The majority of the book was how on her rise to fame, she constantly championed women's equal rights in sports. This ranged from equal pay, to all people regardless of background or color, should be allowed to play. I was pleasantly surprised that there was a page included that has King explaining to readers that she is gay and a brief definition of what that means.
You'll want this book:
1. I like this series as an introduction to biographies. With the graphic novel frames, it invites readers in to learn more about the person.
2. I also think we need to teach young readers how to be critical about their reading. Use this series to show: how do we know the subject said those words (talk about source quotes), sometimes we have to be critical about what we read and see (the subject is always illustrated as a young kid, even in their adult life - we have to determine what is true and what is interpreted).
Between last week's books and these, there are a lot of wonderful picture book biographies about some very strong women to share with all readers!
Now I'm heading down the Internet rabbit hole after Leonora Carrington, too.